About ODCP

Introduction to OD
What is OD?
Organization Development (OD) is a field of theory, research and practice that uses behavioral science knowledge to enhance effectiveness of an organisation’s strategy, people and processes, in a systematic and planned manner. Organization Development (OD) as a conceptual model and application emerged in the United States in the early 1950s and spread to many countries including India. By the 1970s, OD was a very popular field of practice among practitioners of change management in this country. In the 1980s and 90s, OD became integrated with Human Resources Development and slowly lost its unique focus. Alternative models of OD (e.g. Appreciative Inquiry), new applications of OD (e.g. Organizational Ethics and Governance), and innovative methods of intervention (e.g. LSIP) are constantly emerging in the practitioner’s growing awareness and expertise. During this period, organizations continued to explore many alternatives to OD for managing change, finally realizing that all new models have fundamentally OD principles built into them.
Introduction to OD
What is OD?
Organization Development (OD) is a field of theory, research and practice that uses behavioral science knowledge to enhance effectiveness of an organisation’s strategy, people and processes, in a systematic and planned manner. Organization Development (OD) as a conceptual model and application emerged in the United States in the early 1950s and spread to many countries including India. By the 1970s, OD was a very popular field of practice among practitioners of change management in this country. In the 1980s and 90s, OD became integrated with Human Resources Development and slowly lost its unique focus. Alternative models of OD(e.g. Appreciative Inquiry), new applications of OD (e.g. , Organizational ethics and governance), and innovative methods of intervention (e.g., LSIP) are constantly emerging in the practitioner’s growing awareness and expertise. During this period, organizations continued to explore many alternatives to OD for managing change, finally realizing that all new models have fundamentally OD principles built into them.

OD in India
Many exciting stories of OD interventions for organisational transformation have been emerging in India. Globalisation of the Indian market place and liberalisation of business policies have made OD a critical need to bring about organisational change and transformation.
ISABS pioneered building of competencies and strengthening OD Practice in India through continuous focus on process work in its various offerings. One such offering is the Organisation Development Certification Program (ODCP) started by ISABS in 2005. This programme focuses on internalisation of core values and OD processes, while enriching competencies through exposure to new and emerging technologies
Overview of ODCP
Organizations today are expected to be both sensitive to changes in the external environment as well as internally agile to respond to the external environment. It has been widely recognized that to manage these expectations, the quality of human capital is the key differentiator. People and systems-related interventions under the umbrella of OD aim to enhance the quality of human capital, relationships and processes within organizations. OD practitioners strive to manage change and transformation, while working with people, processes and culture within organizations, which are necessarily embedded within a complex, global and diverse world.
The Organisation Development Certification Programme (ODCP) from ISABS is designed to equip participants in facilitating organisations to manage change and respond effectively and speedily to such challenges. It combines strong people competencies, the ISABS’ forte, with fundamentals of Organisational systems and change theories.
The programme has the following objectives:

Become an Organization Development consultant – internal or external
Learn about human processes that impact and facilitate change in large systems
Prepare for leadership positions in change processes to move organizations towards greater effectiveness
In our OD Certification Programme, the practice of OD is envisaged as a process of co-creation with members of the organization, while enabling people, groups and processes to facilitate desired change towards greater organizational effectiveness.
To be an effective OD practitioner that enables this process of co-creation, we believe that there are four fundamental areas of learning:

Experiencing and using self as an instrument of change

Exploring and working with group & systemic processes

Building a strong foundation of theory & concepts of OD

Application of all of the above in an OD project, and ongoing practice
Each of the above four learning areas is equally critical, therefore ODCP programme is structured in a way that focuses on all of them simultaneously, as well as having separate modules for each of them.

The ODCP learning process consists of 5 Contact modules (residential face-to-face sessions), Virtual Learning sessions (through a learning platform), ongoing one-to-one mentoring support, ODCP Academic Council member support, Book Reviews, Live application Projects in Organisations.
Our learning methodology emphasises the complete adult learning cycle of experiencing, reflecting, conceptualizing and applying. There is emphasis on taking responsibility, learning from peers, leveraging diversity, support and collaboration. Methodology includes experiential learning, self-exploration through instruments, case study analysis as well as conceptual discussions etc. A hands-on application project is also a requirement.
Our assessment processes focus on learning during assessment also and provide adequate opportunity to the participant to enhance his/her performance through an ongoing 360-degree feedback. Participants who successfully complete all elements of the course are awarded an OD Practitioner Certificate.

Course Calendar
The course calendar for Batch 17 is as follows:
Exact dates and venue for the In Person Modules would be intimated about
5-7 weeks in advance.
Selection Process
Who can apply?
Experience of 5+ years in:
— Managerial position in any organisation – faculty in educational institute
— Entrepreneur/ Independent Business Owner, Leader, Consultant in any field
It is essential that the individual has an interest in understanding and facilitating individuals, groups and systemic dynamics; the desire to build effective organizations.